Stop wasting time and money.
Schools should teach successful business plans, but they don’t.
Trying to figure it out alone is frustrating.
Are you ready to implement the business skills, plans, and mindset
that it takes to build your dream practice?
Build Your Dream Business

Clarify Your Message
Find Your Niche
Guide Clients
Make More Money

Transform Your Mission
Rally Your Team
Unify Your Purpose
Define Critical Actions

Amplify Your Presence
Optimize Your Website
Create Life Plan
Achieve Daily Goals

Develop Your Clear Path to Success
Animal Chiropractors with a clear practice vision are rewarded for building a legacy.
Their communities become healthier places to live.
Call Today.
• Accelerated Coaching Available
• Flexible Time Schedules
• Insightful Accountability
Attract Clients.
Make More.
• Attract Top Shelf Clients
• More Referrals
• Better Results
• Custom Marketing Packages
• Increase Your NET Income
• More Money, Less Overhead
Success Stories
"Dr. Amy, Every time I hear you speak I am in awe. The information, delivery, knowledge, philosophy, art, science all in one beautiful package.
Thank you for all that you have contributed to our profession."
~ Kj Mimi Chatwood
Coaching Package
Align Your Practice ($900 Value)
Profit First (book) ($45 Value)
Advanced Adjusting Weekend ($2995 Value)
Doctor’s Rounds Monthly ($280 Value)
Animal Chiropractic Assistant Program (Click here for details) ($1534 Value)
Twice Monthly Strategy Meetings ($2997 Value)
Total Value: $24,000
Limited Time Special
Only $2,999
Premier Private
Coaching Package
Life Plan and Daily Plan ($1200 Value)
Align Your Practice ($900 Value)
Profit First (book) ($45 Value)
Advanced Adjusting Weekend ($2995 Value)
Doctor’s Rounds Monthly ($280 Value)
Chiropractic Website Pro Design and 1-year hosting ($2400 Value)
Social Media Manager ($3000 Value)
100 Animal Chiropractic Promotional Booklets ($300 Value)
Attend Basecamp Pro (CE weekend and business building) ($1999 Value)
Animal Chiropractic Assistant Program (Click here for details) ($1534 Value)
Twice Monthly Strategy Meetings ($2997 Value)
Total Value: $34,237
Limited Time Special
Only $3,999